Kevin Kempf's Blog

January 6, 2012

EM Grid Control Base 12c now with extra useless!

Filed under: Enterprise Manager — kkempf @ 12:06 pm

C is for Cloud

I noticed EM 12c was available for download late last year, but didn’t look into it in earnest until recently.  Then I saw it prominently advertised in the January/February 2012 Oracle Magazine.  Who wouldn’t want EM 12c?

A is for Agent Upgrades

For those of you who are considering an upgrade to EM 12c, two things to know:

1. Per their own “Things to Know” section of Oracle® Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Upgrade Guide
12c Release 1 ( Part Number E22625-05 : “Oracle Management Service 12c communicates only with Oracle Management Agent 12c. Therefore, it is important to upgrade your Management Agents before upgrading your OMS.”

2. There is no 12c agent available for Windows, confirmed by an SR today.

U is for Useless

Thanks 12c, guess I’ll be waiting. While I don’t like having Windows targets to monitor, my guess is they’re a reality in many, many datacenters.  What is this, like a beta release?  Seriously Oracle, you’re calling it enterprise manager, not database manager.

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